Upper Ordovician Rocks of Tavan Har Regions, Southeastern Mongolia

Megan Berney-Roberts

Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362

     The ZuunGashuun and Huuvur Formations, thought to be deposited during the Upper Ordovician, are widespread in the Tavan Har region. The lithologies are mainly argillite, quartzite and marble due to low-grade metamorphism. Many of the marble lenses contain crinoids, corals, gastropods, brachiopods, and bryozoans. In addition to the macrofossils, conodonts and algal mats may be found in the marble units. Conodonts may be used to refine the dates of the supposed Ordovician rocks, and the macrofossils will be used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment.

More photos can be found here.

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