PowerPoints are all new for the Second Edition
- How to balance reactions
using CSPACE See Min-Pet Links for the web site to download the program
Spreadsheet of CIPW Norm Download Kurt Hollocher's spreadsheet to calculate
norms. Better than mine for Problem 8-2.
- The PowerPoints below are intended primarily for student review (hence all the verbiage).
Instructors are welcome to download and modify/use them as they see it. Personally, I believe that more images and fewer words on the sreen make for better classroom use.
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 1 - Introduction (2.6 Mb)
- One and two avi animations (and perhaps a mov file) you may need to insert yourself if mine don't work.
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 2- Igneous Classification (0.8 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 3- Igneous Textures (2.6 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 4- Field Relationships (6.0 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 5- Thermodynamics I (0.5 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 6- Phase Rule and Binary systems (4.6 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 7- Binary and Greater Systems (4.3 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 8- Major Element Chemistry (3.6 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 9- Trace Element and Isotopes (4.8 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 10- Magma Generation (1.8 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 11- Magma Diversification (6.0 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 12- Layered Mafic Intrusions (4.7 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 13- Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (19.7 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 14- Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism (5.7 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 15- Continental Flood Basalts (2.1 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 16- Island Arcs (5.3 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 17- Continental Arcs (2.7 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 18- Granitoid Rocks (1.2 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 19- Continental Alkaline Magmatism (2.9 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 20- Anorthosites (1.0 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 21- Introduction to Metamorphism (5.2 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 22- Classification of Met Rocks (1.9 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 23a- Metamorphic Textures 1 (9.6 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 23b- Meatmorphic Textures 2 (13.8 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 24- Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages (2.1
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 25- Metamorphic Facies and Mafic Rocks (5.9
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 26- Metamorphic Reactions (2.4 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 27- Thermodynamics and Geothermobarometry
(1.8 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 28- Metamorphim of Pelitic Sediments (3.3
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 29- Metamorphism of Calcareous and Ultramafic
Rocks (1.6 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Chapter 30- Metamorphic Fluids, Mass Transfer, and
Metasomatism (3.2 Mb)
PowerPoint lectures, Whetstone Lake (690 kb)
Article for Class
- Notes: You must have both PowerPoint and
IE or Netscape on your machine to view or download the files. Many of the
colors are subtle, and using high color (16 bit) or true color (24 or 32
bit) gives the best results. 256 colors will give awful renditions. I am
told that you can use Microsoft's free PowerPoint
Viewer if you do not have PowerPoint installed on your machine.
- IE users: With IE 5.0 or later, clicking
on the download will view the Powerpoint images (Powerpoint acts as an IE
plug-in). You can then File-Save them from within the viewer to your own
hard drive if you please. Earlier versions of IE may still work, but I can't
guarantee it..
- Netscape users: clicking on the box will
allow you to download the files only, not to view them (or so I'm told).
I think with Macs Netscape will run Powerpoint as a plug-in, but you must
have Powerpoint on your machine.
- Feel free to download copies of the PowerPoint files. I'm sorry that they
include my class notes, but they are intended for my classes. You can modify
your copies to suit your own needs, selecting any graphics you choose, but
please cite any original sources.