Information for Supervisors
Frequently Asked Questions
The College has a priority on hiring students with work awards. Students with a work award have a specified financial contribution they must meet - ideally - by working on campus. When you hire students with a work award, you help students to meet their commitments and reduce their personal loan rate. Additionally, when you hire a student with federal and/or state work study, you will receive partial wage reimbursements of typically 20%. This means you can get work done at a lower cost to your budget. Lastly, this provides you with the meaningful opportunity to train and mentor students, ensuring them that they have the skills and experiences that employers desire.
Additional advertising on your website, through social media, targeted emails, or listserv announcements is advisable. Contact the Career and Community Engagement Center for additional help.
- All student employees MUST have a completed Federal Employment Eligibility Form (Form I-9) on file on or prior to their first day of employment. You should verify that they have done so by searching the name of the student on Please refer your students to the Office of Human Resources if you do not see that they have a green "Yes" checkmark next to "Ready to work with HR/Payroll" in, and do not allow them to work unless you see that checkmark. Please contact the Office of Human Resources at with any questions.
- Next, complete the Student Employment Hiring Form which can be found on the Business Office website. This form can be used to add, delete, or change wages for student employees.
- Think about how you are going to provide a positive onboarding experience that will set up your student employees to succeed. Refer to "Best practices for recruiting, hiring and onboarding student employees."
- Make sure to show your student how to enter time on their timesheet. Instructions can be found on the Student Payroll website. Please remember that students should report all time worked, and all approved travel time related to work is compensable for nonexempt employees, which includes student employees.
A student holds student employment status and can only be paid through student payroll through the end of the current pay period during which they are an active student. Upon graduating, withdrawing from school, or entering leave of absence status, a student is no longer considered active and is not eligible to work under student employment status. For example, students graduating in May can work as a student through the end of the May pay period, which ends on June 8.
If you need to continue their employment with Whitman College, you will need to work with Human Resources in advance of the end date to transition the former student to a temporary staff position. As a temporary employee, they will be subject to the standard OPE rate, regular tax withholding, and other employment requirements.