- daughter: an atom chemically different from the radioactive parent atom
which changed to produce it.
- decay chain: a radioactive isotope and the series of radioactive
daughters which are generated from it through a series of radioactive
decays. Production of a non radioactive daughter terminates the chain.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): the genetic material controlling the
maintenance and reproduction of the cell.
- electron volt: a unit of energy; 1 eV = 1.6x10^12 ergs = 1.6x10^19
- equilibrium factor (F): The ratio of the number of working
levels actually present to the number of working levels which would be present
if the short-lived daughters were in equilibrium with the radon present.
- equivalent equilibrium concentration (EEC): That concentration of radon
in equilibrium with its daughters which would produce the same number of
working level as are actually present. The ratio of the EE to the actual
radon concentration is equal to the equilibrium factor F.
- ERDA: U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.