Tectonometamorphic Evolution of Cycladic Subduction
Zone Rocks
Rob Tonnsen, Class of 2000
Department of Geology, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362
The summer of 1999 I went on a Keck Consortium Research
Project on the Island of Syros, Greece. For the project, we, as
a group, looked at the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Cyclades
using rocks sampled from the island of Syros where blueschist metamorphism
has occurred. Most of the on-site work involved collecting rock
samples and reviewing general geologic history of the area.
Over the next few months, I examined my rock samples under the microscope
using thin-sections in order to determine mineral assemblages, modes,
mineral reactions, and mineral textures. Analysis of rocks from varying
locations on the island will help constrain the metamorphic history
of the island. The analysis will likely include graphical representations
(ex. Ternary diagrams) of mineral assemblages at high-pressure conditions
of metamorphism.
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