Latin American Studies Department
Latin America is a diverse region stretching from Mexico to Chile, including 18 Spanish-speaking countries and Brazil.
The Latin American Studies minor
The Latin American Studies minor offers the opportunity to study the area through an interdisciplinary approach that includes language, literature, history, politics, economics, society, and culture.
Twenty credits as follows:
Two Latin American history courses (history majors cannot count these courses toward their history major requirements.)
Eight credits from among the following courses: Spanish 205/206, 305/306, 325, 341, 342, 343 or any 400-level courses taught in Spanish on a Latin American topic.
Four credits from among the following supporting courses: Anthropology 259; History 188, 209, 219, 283, 287, 288, 381, 382, 384, 387, 389, 495; Politics 242, 334, 335; Spanish 341, 342, 343, 411, 421, 437, 449, 454, 457; and World Literature 381-390, when the topic is Spanish American cinema or literature, and other courses by consent of the adviser(s) in Latin American studies.
A minimum of eight credits in Latin American history and in Spanish for this minor must be completed at Whitman, and none of these credits may be taken P-D-F or as independent study or directed reading.