Class of 1973 40th Reunion, Spring 2013

Class of 1973
40th Reunion - Spring 2013
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Row 1: Steve Nilson ’73, Nancy Forester Carlyle ’73, Meredith Moss Westerside ’73, Nina Finch Beegle ’73, Gloria Harris McConnell ’73, Judy Van Burkleo Markus ’73, Diane Blust ’73, Judy Bonar Barry ’73, Dan Cutler ’73, Kathy Cutler, Nancy Blomberg Griswold ’73, Tom Griswold ’73, Barbara Bick Forsythe ’73, Lyn Bassett ’73, Mary Metastasio ’73, Susan Krook ’73.
Row 2: Don Tanner ’73, Richard Westlund ’73, Jana Nyblad Westlund ’73, Janet Dougherty-Smith ’73, Evie Campbell Shively ’73, Georgeanne Griffith ’73, Vicki Shaw Sensiba ’73, Greg Sensiba, Timothy Ramey ’73, Gretchen Beilstein Ramey ’75, Noelle Nachtmann Metting ’73, Richard Taylor, Robyn Swaim Phillips ’73, Dana Jessen ’73, Camille Taylor Ralston ’77, Chuck Ralston ’73.
Row 3: Ben Stone ’73, Rosemary Gunter Knapp ’73, Bill Priedhorsky ’73, Marc Laakso ’73, Cathy Heacock Carkner ’73, Lizabeth Cairns Laakso ’73, Bill West ’73, Larry Johnson ’73, John Clague ’73, Doug Brown ’73, Terry Church ’73, Stephen Kliewer ’73 (in front of Terry), Rob Knorr ’73.
Row 4: Roger Knapp ’73, Dan Ducich ’73, Wendy Woolery ’73, John Bowman ’73, Bill Purnell ’73, Gay Price Purnell ’73, William “Jud” Witherspoon ’73, John Leahy ’73, Thomas Hemphill ’73, Terry Church ’73.
Row 5: Jim Reid ’73, Jeff Kane ’73, Steve Dodds ’73, Dave Savage ’73, Mark Wyatt ’73, Randy Noland ’73, Esther Hook Milnes ’73, Polly Harrison Rae ’73, Barbara Hemphill.
Row 6: Joseph Osborne ’73, Carol Edwards ’73, John Coleman ’73, Van Weiss ’73.
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -