Class of 1995 20th Cluster Reunion, Fall 2015

Class of 1995
20th Cluster Reunion - Fall 2015
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First Row: Jessica Pehoski Erickson, Karen Shore, Wendy White Tindall ‘96, Bryan Brown, Kelly Herb Valberer
Second Row: Cindy Stubbs Holmgren, Amy Reager Gallardo, Jon Ernast, Joy Edwards Brown, Karin Highberg Collisson, Matt Dacey
Third Row: Ray Erickson, Michelle Honeycutt, Susan Daughters Auld, Skip Tognetti, Sarah Baird Kirk, Calvin Ohlson-Kiehn
Fourth Row: Jeremy Floberg, Donna Cook Gardner, Linette Vaughn Bixby, Stephanie Walden Brachman, John Kirk, Matt Heller, Kirk Huffey
Fifth Row: Lori Jones Jensen, Michelle Rathbun Chesire, Erika Olson, Chris Phillippi, Tara Chatfield, Franz Seidelhuber
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -