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Jan. 27, 2025: Location of February Board Meetings

Requesting journalist: Garrett Schrieber

Respondent name and position: Gina Zandy Ohnstad, Vice President for Communications


The Whitman College Board of Trustees decided that its 2025 February meeting will be held in Seattle in order to allow for in-person visits and engagement with Seattle alumni who can offer valuable input and may be able to create future opportunities for Whitman students. 

However, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Joe Davis, spent last week on campus in order to spend time with students, faculty and staff. Mr. Davis joined President Bolton for her open office hours in Cleveland and met with Residence Life staff, student representatives to the board and others. The Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Danielle Garbe Reser joined Mr. Davis for several of the meetings with students and staff as well. The board is committed to connecting and collaborating with the campus community and will continue to plan additional opportunities to do so in person on campus.

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