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Special Events and Outreach

Person rock climbing

Special Events for Outside of Whitman Groups

We offer up to 2 hour long events for outside groups and organizations. Can potentially be longer if people continue to climb during operating hours. There will be 1-2 (more depending on the size) staff members dedicated to your event. Events can be held during gym hours or outside of them for more private events. Scheduling outside of gym hours is recommended for large groups, otherwise we can work with you to find a time when the gym is less crowded.


  • $200 for 4-10 people, $20 for each additional person past 10
  • Staff and rental equipment included

Please have your event participants fill out both the Liability Waiver and Safety Policies forms before arrival to speed up the process.

Reach out to the outreach coordinators to arrange the event with the following application filled out:

Group Event Application

Contact Outreach Coordinators Ricky Gonzalez and Atziri Fernandez Orozco, at gonzaler@whitman.edu and fernanda2@whitman.edu to arrange an event for your group.

Special Events for Whitman Organizations

We offer up to 2-hour-long events for clubs and groups on campus. Can potentially be longer if people continue to climb during operating hours. Events can be held during gym hours or outside of them for more private events. Scheduling outside of gym hours is recommended for large groups, otherwise, we can work with you to find a time when the gym is less crowded.


  • 1-6 people: $40
  • 7-12 people: $80
  • 13-18 people: $140

For groups larger than 18, please reach out for specific pricing.

If you have a large group coming to the gym please reach out to our outreach coordinators to arrange the best time to come when it is not busy or clashing with other events.

Please have your participants fill out both the Liability Waiver and Safety Policies forms before arrival to speed up the process.

Reach out to the outreach coordinators to arrange the event with the following application filled out:

Group Event Application

Contact Outreach Coordinators Ricky Gonzalez and Atziri Fernandez Orozco, at gonzaler@whitman.edu and fernanda2@whitman.edu to arrange an event for your group.

Birthday Parties

Possible times: Friday 5–8 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. or 5:30–7:30 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. or 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Package and Cost:

  • $200 for 10 kids, $20 for each additional kid past 10
  • Staff included, equipment, tables, 10ft retired climbing rope party favor by request
  • 2-hour event (potentially longer if people continue to climb during operating hours)

Please have your party participants fill out both the Liability Waiver and Safety Policies forms before arrival to speed up the process.

Contact Outreach Coordinators Ricky Gonzalez and Atziri Fernandez Orozco, at gonzaler@whitman.edu and fernanda2@whitman.edu to arrange a birthday party.

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