7. Creating a Background

Some students like to add to the visual appeal of their poster by adding a background and/or a border. You can use either a color, or a graphic to create a background.

Using a graphic as a background Creating a color or patterned background

Creating a color or patterned background

1. Use the Rectangle tool and make a rectangle that covers the entire page

2. Highlight the rectangle you have created using the Selection tool. (You may also use the selection tool the adjust the size of the rectangle at this time.)

3. Click the on Fill box located on the tool bar.

4. Then go to the Swatches menu, which should already be on the desktop. If not, go to Window > Show Swatches.

5. Click on the desired fill.

6. a. If you DO NOT want a border, click on the Stroke box located next to the Fill button on the tool bar. Make sure a red line is crossing through the button (meaning no border). If not, click on the None button located directly below the Stroke box on the tool bar.

b. If you DO want a border go to section 8. Creating a border and proceed from step 2.