4. Functions
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1 Logic
1. Logical Operations
2. Quantifiers
3. De Morgan's Laws
4. Mixed Quantifiers
5. Logic and Sets
6. Families of Sets
2 Proofs
1. Direct Proofs
2. Divisibility
3. Existence proofs
4. Induction
5. Uniqueness Arguments
6. Indirect Proof
3 Number Theory
1. Congruence
2. $\Z_n$
3. The Euclidean Algorithm
4. $\U_n$
5. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
6. The GCD and the LCM
7. The Chinese Remainder Theorem
8. The Euler Phi Function
9. The Phi Function—Continued
10. Wilson's Theorem and Euler's Theorem
11. Public Key Cryptography
12. Quadratic Reciprocity
4 Functions
1. Definition and Examples
2. Induced Set Functions
3. Injections and Surjections
4. More Properties of Injections and Surjections
5. Pseudo-Inverses
6. Bijections and Inverse Functions
7. Cardinality and Countability
8. Uncountability of the Reals
9. The Schröder-Bernstein Theorem
10. Cantor's Theorem
5 Relations
1. Equivalence Relations
2. Factoring Functions
3. Ordered Sets
4. New Orders from Old
5. Partial Orders and Power Sets
6. Countable total orders
6 Bibliography
1. Definition and Examples
2. Induced Set Functions
3. Injections and Surjections
4. More Properties of Injections and Surjections
5. Pseudo-Inverses
6. Bijections and Inverse Functions
7. Cardinality and Countability
8. Uncountability of the Reals
9. The Schröder-Bernstein Theorem
10. Cantor's Theorem