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Incoming and Prospective Students & Families

Hello and Welcome to Whitman! We are thrilled to have you join the Whitman College community! And if you are still making your decision, we hope the following information will be helpful to you.

First Time Accommodations Request

This request form is meant for students requesting accommodations for the first time at Whitman College. If you have already been processed for accommodations at Whitman and are requesting additional accommodations, please log-in to the Accommodate student portal and complete a supplemental request.

Accommodations Request Form

Useful Resources

Academic Accommodations

To request disability accommodations at Whitman, please follow the procedures outlined in our Information for Students. You may begin this process any time after officially enrolling at Whitman College.

At that point, you are welcome to submit disability documentation to our office. We are happy to receive your paperwork however it is easiest for you to send it. You may send:

  • A printed copy to:

Disability Support Services
Academic Resource Center
345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362

  • A faxed copy to 509-527-5039

Once you have submitted your application and documentation, you will have an intake meeting with a Disability Support Specialist to discuss your accommodation needs with respect to your specific courses.

Please Note

If you anticipate requesting accommodations that require coordination in advance (e.g., access to textbooks in an alternative format, interpreting services) we encourage you to contact our office during the summer to allow additional time for coordination of your accommodations.

Keep in mind that your accommodations are not determined until you have completed the intake process.

Housing Accommodations

Whitman College is committed to providing meaningful and accessible residential experiences for all students. To submit a request, go to Housing Accommodations.

Emotional Support Animals

If you have an emotional support animal or would like more information on our policies, please visit the section about Emotional Support Animals on our Assistive Animals page.

Accommodations During Orientation Week

If you anticipate needing accommodations during Orientation week (placement exam accommodations, accessible transportation, interpreting services, etc.), please submit your disability documentation to DSS and indicate what accommodations you are requesting specifically for Orientation week. Getting in touch with our office early will ensure that we are able to provide appropriate accommodations for this assessment and for other programming during Orientation week. 

Health Provider Resources

The Welty Health Center and Counseling Center staff can provide information on medical and mental health care, medication management, and referrals to off-campus providers. You may also e-mail Disability Support Services for a list of community resources for counseling, therapy, and medication management. 


Incoming students, parents, and family members who have questions about the accommodations intake and request process are welcome to contact us via phone or email. To schedule an appointment with Disability Support Services, if you have already registered in the Accommodate system, please log into Accommodate and click on Appointments on the left-hand side.

If you have not yet registered with the office and have questions, please write to DSS@whitman.edu.

Contact Us
  • Olin 334
    345 Boyer Avenue
    Walla Walla, WA 99362
  • Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Phone: 509-526-3035 | Fax: 509-527-5039
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