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Graduation Requirements

A degree from Whitman College represents more than just academic achievement—it signifies a transformative educational experience that prepares graduates to lead fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to society.

All degree requirements must be met to obtain a diploma:

  • 124 or more combined credits completed—a total of Whitman College, transfer, AP, and IB credits.
  • 54 or more Whitman course credits completed. 
  • 44 or more Whitman course credits earned in regularly-graded courses (no P-D-F, CR/NC)* 
  • 2.00 minimum GPA for Whitman courses and combined credits. 
  • Completion of First Year Seminars: General Studies 175 and 176.
  • Completion of Writing Proficiency: RWPD-170 or passing the Writing Assessment
  • Distribution completed (Note: AP, IB and P-D-F graded courses do not count toward distribution). For students who started prior to Fall 2024, no more than 8 credits from one department can be used to fulfill Humanities and Fine Arts collectively.
  • Major requirements met and Major GPA 2.00 minimum. Each part of a combined major must also have a minimum 2.00 GPA for each area of the major.
  • Senior assessment in major study passed or passed with distinction.
  • No more than one-third credits for any major are transfer credits (unless the specific department limit is lower). 
  • No incomplete or deferred grades outstanding.
  • Minor requirements met (2.00 GPA, all transfer courses approved, and all credit and course requirements met), or minor will be removed.
  • Participation in Commencement is required. If all degree requirements will not be completed prior to Commencement, students must have no more than a semester worth of credits, 18 or less, left to complete or have petitioned the Board of Review for approval to participate.
  • If completing degree with transfer credit, must have at least 116 credits completed by the end of final semester and be in residence during the last two semesters. If needing 9 credits or more to complete degree, must have Board of Review residency waiver approved as well as approval to transfer remaining number of credits.

* P: Passing—credit earned for those courses completed under the P-D-F grade option in which the student has received the equivalent of a C- or better grade. CR: Credit for a course graded on a credit-no credit basis. NC: No Credit is granted for a course graded on a credit-no credit basis.

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