Student Activities

Student Activities supports the mission of the college, Student Life, and the Reid Campus Center by providing a variety of co-curricular programs and services that encourage student involvement in the campus community and enhance the educational aspects of Whitman. The cultural, social, recreational and educational programs supported and developed by the Student Activities Office are designed to create a positive learning experience that provides opportunities for students to engage in activities that enrich the value of their education.
Staff also assist students in developing leadership and life skills that empower them to advocate for their needs and interests. The Student Activities director and assistant director work with students to form new organizations and keep current organizations vital, and serve as the advisors to the Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC), Whitman Events Board (WEB) and other clubs on campus. Student Activities also supports Whitman’s sororities and fraternities.
WhitLife is our online clubs and organizations portal, where you can find contact and membership info for more than 100 student-led groups, learn about upcoming events and check out social media for a glimpse of what Whitties do when they’re not in class!