Title IX: Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct
What to Do if You Have Just Experienced Sexual Assault
1. Once you are safe, call 509-529-9922 at any time to reach a victim advocate who can offer confidential support over the phone.
2. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. A medical exam within 3 days of an incident is crucial to gather evidence, even if you aren’t sure you will want to file a report or press charges. If possible, do not shower, change clothes, or drink before you see a doctor. A medical practitioner can treat injuries, provide emergency contraception and offer medication to prevent sexually transmitted infections. The victim advocate can walk you through this process.
Walla Walla Medical Care: Providence St. Mary Medical Center
401 Poplar Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362
3. Be kind to yourself. If you’ve experienced sexual violence, it's not your fault. You always deserve to be safe and respected. You may be experiencing a wide range of feelings, which are all valid.
4. Consider making a report, but only when you're ready.
- File an online report with Whitman College.
- Call 509-527-1960 to file a report with local law enforcement.
- View a comprehensive list of reporting options (in PDF format).
- View A Guide for Whitman College Community Members on Sexual Misconduct brochure (in PDF format).
5. Seek out supportive measures through the Title IX Office. Whitman College will provide temporary or permanent supportive measures and accommodations which may include no contact orders, residence modifications, academic accommodations, and other reasonably appropriate and available accommodations under the circumstances. Regardless of whether an investigation is pursued, the Title IX Coordinator (titleix@whitman.edu) will work with you to coordinate this assistance.
Title IX is a short and simple federal law:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
At Whitman College we prioritize creating an inclusive environment where everyone is treated with respect and fairness. The college does not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student, or applicant for admission in any of our education programs and activities, on the basis of sex. This includes sex assigned at birth, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, and pregnancy or related conditions.
Support and Reporting Options
If you have experienced sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or violence, you have options. Sexual harassment includes all forms of sexual violence and is is prohibited at Whitman College.
If you are a sexual violence survivor, please know that:
- You can report to the college by making a report to any employee at any time.
- If you wish to make a disclosure without reporting to the college, you are welcome to speak with our Confidential Resources. Contact details are listed below or linked here.
- Choosing one route does not exclude other options; survivors should pursue whatever routes will be the most helpful to recovery.
- Making a report to the college will not necessarily lead to an investigation.
Prompt reporting of a complaint is strongly encouraged, as it allows rapid response to and resolution of prohibited or objectionable behavior. The passage of significant time between an incident and an investigation can result in memory lapses, the departure of key witnesses or other time-sensitive factors that can impair the investigation.
Ways to Connect with Title IX Officials at Whitman College
Direct Outreach to the Title IX Coordinator
Cassandre Beccai, Director of Equity and Compliance
Memorial Building 301
Contact a Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Cara Setchell, Assistant Director of Human Resources
Memorial Building 105
Submit a Report on a Potential Title IX Violation
Ways to Connect with Confidential Resources at Whitman College
Health Center
Counseling Center
Sexual Assault Victim Advocate
Hunter Building 406
Interfaith Chaplain
Reid Campus Center 230
Role of the Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator will coordinate the college’s response to reports of sexual misconduct. This includes:
- Making information about sexual misconduct and related services available to students in print and via the website.
- Assisting complainants and respondents in understanding their rights.
- Recommend necessary remedial short-term actions to provide appropriate support and safety. This would include facilitating requests for safe housing, negotiating academic accommodations and providing referrals to on and off-campus resources.
- Assist students who choose to report an incident of sexual misconduct to the Walla Walla Police Department or other law enforcement agencies.
- Investigating reports of alleged sexual misconduct involving students.
- Issuing no-contact and no-trespass directives.
See the complete Title IX Policy for details about the investigative and adjudication process, council organization, and the appeal process.
Role of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators
The Title IX Deputy Coordinators work closely with the Title IX Coordinator on the intake of new matters as well as the provision of supportive measures in some cases. After making a report to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, they will refer you to the Title IX Coordinator who will initiate one of two responses:
- Offer supportive measures.
- If desired by the complainant, help them file a formal complaint to trigger an informal resolution or a formal grievance process which includes an investigation and a live hearing.
Title IX and Office of Equity & Compliance Annual Reporting
Each year, the Title IX Office contributes to the Division of Inclusive Excellence Annual Report, providing our community with valuable insights into campus climate, patterns, and trends related to sex and gender-based discrimination and harassment. While not federally mandated, this transparent reporting practice serves as an essential tool in shaping our prevention strategies and response efforts.
The 2023-2024 Title IX report can be found beginning on page 16 of the Division of Inclusive Excellence Annual Report. This comprehensive overview helps inform our ongoing commitment to fostering a safe and equitable campus environment.
Archived Title IX Reports
- 2022–2023 Annual Title IX Report
- 2021–2022 Annual Title IX Report
- 2019–2020 Annual Title IX Report
- 2018–2019 Annual Title IX Report
- 2017–2018 Annual Title IX Report
- 2016–2017 Annual Title IX Report
- 2015–2016 Annual Title IX Report
- 2014–2015 Annual Title IX Report
The 2020 Title IX Regulations mandates the public sharing of materials used to train school and college Title IX team members. Whitman's Title IX team acquires in-house training as well as training through world-class compliance experts. The following links below will take you to the trainings that have been administered to team members:
- Title IX Coordinator 1, Title IX Coordinator 2
- Deputy Title IX Coordinator
- Investigator
- Decision-maker
- Informal Resolution Facilitator
- Process Advisor
Twenty Whitman faculty and staff completed Title IX Hearing Officer and Decision Maker Training October 5, 2020. This training was completed through the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA). The training materials are available on the ATIXA website.
Sexual Misconduct Defined
Whitman College prohibits sexual misconduct in any form. Sexual misconduct is a broad term encompassing any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation. Sexual misconduct can occur between persons of the same or different genders.
Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe or persistent or pervasive such that it unreasonably interferes with, limits or deprives someone of the ability to participate in or benefit from the college’s educational programs or employment opportunities. The unwelcome behavior may be based on power differentials (quid pro quo), the creation of a hostile environment or retaliation. A single instance of sexual assault may be sufficient to constitute a hostile environment.
The list of prohibited conduct under this policy includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Unwelcome sexual advances or propositions that interfere with a student’s education or employment opportunities.
- Using electronic devices or technology (e.g., cell phone, camera, email, Internet sites or social networks) to record or transmit nudity or sexual acts without a person’s knowledge and/or permission.
- Committing violence within a relationship (domestic violence or intimate partner violence).
- Excessive unwanted and persistent attention on a regular basis either with electronic devices or in person or other means (stalking).
- Intentionally observing nudity or sexual acts of another person without the person’s knowledge or permission (voyeurism).
- Unwanted touching of the genitals, buttocks or breasts that is intentional or other unwanted touching or groping.
- Forcing/coercing someone to touch you or someone else in a sexual manner.
- Threatening to sexually harm someone.
- Inducing incapacitation for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
- Ignoring a sexual limit that has been communicated.
- Coercing or intimidating someone into sexual behavior.
- Sexual assault, including unwanted penetration of an orifice (anal, vaginal, oral) with the penis, finger or objects.
Consent Defined
Whitman College defines as a freely and affirmatively communicated willingness to participate in sexual activity, expressed by clear, unambiguous words or actions. It is the responsibility of the initiator of the sexual activity to ensure that they have the other person’s consent to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be present throughout the sexual activity by all parties involved. At any time, a participant can communicate that they no longer consent to continuing the activity. Consent may never be obtained through the use of force, coercion, or intimidation or if the victim is mentally or physically disabled or incapacitated, including through the use of drugs or alcohol.
Students cannot assume consent because of the existence of a previous dating or sexual relationship. The use of alcohol or drugs does not diminish a student’s responsibility to obtain consent for sexual activity.
Ongoing Efforts to Address Campus Sexual Violence
Whitman College is committed to creating a campus environment free from sexual violence and harassment. As part of this commitment, the college is actively participating in the NASPA Culture of Respect Collective, a comprehensive, evidence-based program that guides institutions through a process of self-assessment and targeted organizational change. Through this initiative, Whitman is implementing strategies across six key pillars: survivor support, clear policies, multi-tiered education, public disclosure, school-wide mobilization and ongoing assessment. To learn more about our approach and current implementation efforts, please visit our Culture of Respect webpage.