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Long Tent on Ankeny Field at Whitman College

Native American Outreach

Empowering Indigenous Futures

Building a Strong Future Together

Whitman College Native American Outreach was formed in recognition of the college’s dedication to helping our Indigenous students thrive. We are committed to honoring their pasts and supporting them in the present so that they will have successful futures. Together with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, we are creating and cultivating a strong and vibrant Native American community, presence and student support program at Whitman College.

Pášx̣apa Powwow
May 3

Pášx̣apa Powwow

The annual Pášx̣apa Powwow will take place Saturday, May 3 in Whitman College's Sherwood Athletic Center. This event will bring together tribal leaders, honored guests, drummers and dancers from throughout the Pacific Northwest.

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The signing the MOA with the CTUIR

Our Partnership with the CTUIR

Collaboration between Whitman College and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) has taken many forms over the past decades, including experiential learning opportunities for Whitman students, trips to the Tamástslikt Cultural Center, art workshops for youth of the CTUIR, and lectures and other educational programming provided by tribal members to the Whitman community.

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Lindsey Littlesky-Pasena ’26

Šináata Scholarship

The Šináata Scholarship fully covers the expenses of attending Whitman College for eligible members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). It may also be extended to students from the Pacific Northwest with strong ties to and active involvement in the CTUIR community. This scholarship encompasses tuition, room and board, books, supplies and transportation costs, making it Whitman College’s most generous financial aid award.

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Native American Outreach

The MOA with CTUIR calls for a professional staff position dedicated to Native American outreach activities, assisting prospective students throughout the admissions process and building systems to ensure enrolled students are supported throughout their years at Whitman.

Jeanine Gordon

Jeanine Gordon
Special Assistant to the President for Native American Outreach
cawíitxpuu (people of the wild carrot)
Cayuse, Walla Walla, Nez Perce, Chippewa, Cree

Phone: 509-527-5253
Email: gordonj@whitman.edu 

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