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Whitman on the Road

In the fall and spring of each year, Whitman admission staff visit high schools and attend college fairs. Explore this page to find out where we will be in the coming months.

Join our mailing list if you aren’t yet receiving communication from Whitman College and would like to be notified when we are in your area! And of course, we’d love to see you visit Whitman too!

High School & College Visits

Our admission team loves connecting with prospective students. That’s why we leave our beautiful campus in Walla Walla, Washington and make visits across the nation. Reach out if you have questions or want us to come to your high school!

View Upcoming High School Visits & College Fairs

International Travel

Whitman College will be traveling internationally this Fall! Our international representatives will be attending the United World College Circuits in Europe and Africa as well as travel to China for college fairs. Click on the link below for more information. For more information about virtual events for international students, Whitman College participates in the 15 on the 15th virtual event that you may join each month.

Please feel free to reach out to Veronica Ortiz if you have any questions about our visit plans!

View Upcoming International Visits

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