President's Budget Advisory Committee
President’s Budget Advisory Committee
The President has established the Budget Advisory Committee to advise the college in developing a budget that reflects the college’s top priorities. Whitman College’s budget is a reflection of the college’s strategic planning and links financial resources with the top priorities of the college.
The President’s Budget Advisory Committee is charged with giving feedback on budget requests and on the top priorities of the college. In addition to considering requests for funding new initiatives the Committee will advise the President on tuition increases, the level of financial aid awarded, compensation and fringe benefits pools for faculty and staff. The Committee is asked to provide feedback on maintaining a balance between keeping tuition affordable and providing the resources needed to continue to strengthen the college’s programs and services.
The President’s Budget Advisory Committee is composed of the following members:
Vice President of Finance and Administration, Chair
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Four Faculty: The Chair of the Faculty and the three Division Chairs. The Chair of the Faculty will also attend the governing board’s Budget Review Committee meetings as a liaison with the Budget Advisory Committee.
Four Staff: Anyone may nominate a staff member to serve on the Committee. Staff may nominate themselves as well. The Vice President of Finance and Administration, Provost and Dean of the Faculty and Chair of the Faculty will select the members from those who are nominated.
Four Students: Students will be selected in consultation with ASWC.
The President of the College may attend meetings to hear the deliberations of the Committee. The Senior Assistant to the President will attend all meetings as an ex-officio member. The Controller of the College will also attend meetings as an ex-officio member.
President’s Budget Advisory Committee Process and Timetable
The Committee begins meeting in October. The Committee will discuss the Charge of the Committee. The Vice President of Finance and Administration will review the current year budget and which priorities were funded in the current year. The President will present top priorities for the college. The Committee will review relevant data from peer institutions on tuition, financial aid, compensation, and other key indicators. The Committee will review likely new funds available for new initiatives as well as the projected costs for new initiatives. The Committee will give input to the Trustees in November on key planning assumptions to be used in developing the budget.
In October every academic and administrative department is asked to submit a budget request for the following year. The Division of Finance and Administration will compile the budget requests into a proposed budget showing different alternatives of funding levels. The Committee is asked to give feedback to the President on top budget priorities and on the various funding alternatives presented in early December.
The President, in consultation with the President’s Cabinet, will then finalize a budget to be proposed to the Trustees. The Board of Trustees will adopt a final budget in February. A summary of the final budget will be shared with the Committee and then with the college community in March.
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345 Boyer Ave.
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