Spaces: Whitman College Organic Garden

Whitman College Organic Garden
As we say goodbye to winter in Walla Walla, we explore a special space that will soon come alive with promise. It won't be long before rows of seasonal vegetables and herbs greet visitors to the Whitman College Organic Garden. This fertile location is also home to a small chicken yard and coop, as well as a shady spot for student workers and volunteers to relax and enjoy the garden. Located at the corner of Pacific Street and Penrose Avenue, the garden was established in 1997 and is tended by members of the Organic Garden Club, an Associated Students of Whitman College-funded organization. In addition to growing produce shared with the campus community through the Whitman Food Pantry, in meals at Cleveland Commons and at “open garden” events, the garden also plays a role in composting campus food waste, and serves as a fresh-air lab for some student science projects.