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Religious & Spiritual Spaces

There are a number of religious and spiritual spaces available to students at Whitman for personal and organizational use.

All Faiths Room

The All Faiths Room at Whitman College, located in Reid Campus Center, Room 110

In the fall of 2022, the All Faiths Room was established in Reid Campus Center as an important new space for students to gather in faith. It is part of a campuswide initiative of Inclusive Excellence that aims to build community and provide a space for students of all spiritual identities. The space provides a place of worship, prayer, meditation and reflection for members of the various religious and spiritual groups on campus as well as individual students hoping to use the space on their own spiritual journey.


  • Reid Campus Center, Room 110

Hours and Scheduling:

  • Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 

The room can be reserved by contacting Interfaith Chaplain Adam Kirtley. Also, if the room is not in use, it is available without needing to schedule it.

Room Usage Policies:

  • The room is a shared religious and spiritual space to be used for prayer, fellowship, worship, meditation and all other spiritual activities. It may be used by individuals or groups. Upon finishing using the room, please return it to the way it was found.


Welcome to the Whitman Labyrinth!

At this time the Labyrinth is unavailable. We look to re-establish the Labyrinth this spring!

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life has installed a labyrinth for quiet walking and meditation, located on the lawn behind Marcus House.

Wondering what a labyrinth is?

Check out these articles from the Whitman Wire and the Whitman Newsroom to learn more. 
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