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April 19, 2024: “Third Space Speaker Series Next Week”

By Dr. John Johnson, Vice President for Inclusive Excellence

The Third Space Speaker Series continues later this month with two additional outstanding scholars. On Tuesday, April 23 at 7 p.m. in Maxey Auditorium we will be joined by Dr. Alma Itzé Flores and Dr. April Warren-Grice. (Flyer attached.)

Portrait of April Warren-GriceWarren-Grice holds a Ph.D. in Education Policy Studies from the University of Illinois and is the founder of Liberated Genius, an education consultancy that works with schools, districts and institutions of higher education to operationalize equity, justice and wellness. As Warren-Grice explains, “I created Liberated Genius to help organizations start from the premise that Black and Brown students are geniuses.” Warren-Grice has served as an Equity Scholar with the Pitt School of Education and recently worked with the Remake Learning network on a project focused on “Shifting Power in Educational Research and Development.”

Portrait of April Warren-GriceFlores is a Chicana feminist teacher-scholar who earned her Ph.D. in Race and Ethnic Studies in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research examines the educational pathways of Chicana/Latina first-generation college students, Chicana/Latina mothers, in particular mother-daughter pedagogies, and the development and analysis of Chicana/Latina feminist pedagogies and research methodologies. Flores has also applied critical race theory in education to examine the impact of “microaggressions” on students and scholars of color in higher education. Some of Flores’ work can be sampled here.

I hope you will join us for a dynamic and thought-provoking conversation. 

Published on Apr 19, 2024
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