Fall Community Learning Days
By Inclusive Excellence Council CLD Subcommittee
The fall semester is fast approaching and Community Learning Days (CLD) will be here soon.
The Fall CLD will be a two-part event designed to help our community prepare for a potentially challenging semester in relation to American and global politics.
Day one (Monday, Aug. 26) will feature a panel discussion on “How We Engage.” This panel will be related to the upcoming election and panelists will engage us in a dialogue about political rhetoric and how we exchange ideas in ways that deepen understanding or promote inquiry rather than dismiss or diminish those with whom we disagree.
Day two (Tuesday, Aug. 27) will feature a series of “flash talks” focused on different “Communal Support Systems” available at Whitman. The flash talks will provide attendees with a brief introduction to a number of different Whitman places, programs and people who can help mitigate stress and promote thriving, for both students and employees, during a potentially extra-intense semester.
CLD activities will be held in Maxey Auditorium each day from 2–3:30 p.m. and we expect a mix of staff and faculty to be in attendance, including the faculty participating in New Faculty Orientation. Refreshments will be provided.
Mark your calendars, save the date and plan to connect with your colleagues at Fall Community Learning Days. More Us, More We!

Last semester, Community Learning Days included a two-day workshop facilitated by Community Resilience Initiative (Executive Director Rick Griffin is pictured above).