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Kyle Peets portrait

Kyle Adam Kalev Peets

Visiting Assistant Professor of Art

Kyle Adam Kalev Peets' work considers landscape as a process not a thing. He thinks of landscape as an expanded concept that considers its always changing entanglements with late capitalism, ecological devastation, popular culture, science, myth, images, and imagination, and how that mediates our understanding of it. Print techniques like layering, repetition and miss-registration are used to abstract conventional landscape photographs. These kinds of gestures obstruct legibility but also surface new forms of reading. The disruption of what we expect to see or experience in a landscape destabilizes its role in perpetuating colonial settler and late capitalist ideologies whose hierarchies create a division between the subject and the landscape.

Kyle has had solo exhibitions at Carnation Contemporary (Portland, OR), Platte Forum gallery (Denver, CO) as well as group exhibitions like, Art Shanty on the frozen White Bear Lake (Minneapolis, MN). His work was published in the periodical SPRTS by Endless Editions (New York, NY), archived in the Watson Library Special Collections, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMA, Manhattan, Artists’ Books. He received his MFA in Printmaking from the University of Iowa as well as a Graduate Certificate in Book Arts from the Iowa Center for The Book. You'll find him in the forest looking for food in his free time.

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