Links and resources

Intro Astro
Astr 170s textCurrent news
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Astrobites synopses of recent lit.
- Astronomy in the News (AAS)
- News at NASA; or Science at NASA
- Sky and Telescope's News page
- Science News Online
- NASA spaceflight page
- The Walla Walla Clear Sky Chart
Mission pages, observatories
- NASA Space Science missions
- Cassini Mission homepage.
- Chandra Mission homepage
- Mars Exploration homepage
- YOHKOH Public Outreach Project
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Space Telescope Institute or alt site to STScI.
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Goddard Institute for Space Studies
- Ames Research Center
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Marshall Space Flight Center
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- Solar Dynamics Observatory
- National Solar Observatory
- TRACE solar image archive
- The Anglo-Australian Observatory
- Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
- NOAA Space Environment Center
- GOES satellite homepage
- Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Graduate programs, internships
- GRE homepage from ETS
- Grad school guide from AIP
- APS Bridge Program Enhancing Diversity in Physics Graduate Education
- College departments offering astronomy degrees; from the American Astronomical Society.
- AAS Career Services page
- AAS list of astronomy non-REU sites
- NSF listing of REU sites (Research Experience for Undergraduates) in Physics, Materials science, and Astronomy
- Internships at Dept of Energy labs;
- Internships at LIGO
- Internships at all NASA sites
- Space Telescope Science Institute summer student program
- SARA may have REUs again in the future
- DAAD Undergraduate programs in Germany.
- NASA Astrophysics Data System (papers, abstracts; new version May 2019)
- arXiv preprints
- Internet Public Library from the University of Michigan
- Penrose Library's astronomy databases
- The Nine Planets Homepage
- Messier objects
- Active galaxies and Quasars
- NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
- National Air & Space Museum's Apollo page
- Zombeck Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Stars and Constellations; also "Skylights", an astro news of the week page (Jim Kaler, at Univ. Illinois)
- Element info from American Elements
- Multiwavelength Astronomy image gallery
- JPL's solar system simulator
- NASA's "Visible Earth"
- STScI Explorations in Education
- Goddard Space Flight Center "Imagine the Universe"
- STScI Amazing Space (K-12 resources)
- Visualize the solar system with National Geographic.
- Powers of 10 at Florida State Univ.
Magazines, telescope help, etc.
Current Students