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Mysia Dye portrait

Mysia Dye


Lecturer of Biology

Mysia’s areas of expertise are animal behavior and evolutionary biology. Her past work has examined the effects of temperature on species recognition in chorus frogs and the genomics of sex determination in freshwater stream fish. While her duties at Whitman primarily focus on teaching, she encourages students interested in these topics to reach out to her.

Mysia teaches the ecology, evolution, and diversity introductory course (BIOL-101) and electives in animal behavior and evolutionary biology. She enjoys helping students build a solid foundation in their understanding of biology!

In her free time, she enjoys outdoor adventures with her dogs and playing the trumpet.

Areas of Expertise/Interest

Animal behavior, evolutionary biology, genomics.

Ph.D. Biology
Florida State University
May 2023

M.S. STEM Teaching
Florida State University
December 2021

B.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Tulane University
May 2016

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