Sabrina Mostoufi
Hall of Science 172
509- 526-4700
Sabrina Mostoufi was raised in Burney, California and introduced to the natural world at an early age. In college, she studied biology, with an emphasis on genetics and molecular biology, and also discovered a passion for teaching and working with students. In graduate school, her dissertation research focused on recombination plasticity in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, when it is infected with the endosymbiotic bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis. In addition to her research, Sabrina also trained in pedagogy and equitable teaching in STEM during graduate school. After graduating, she taught courses in Data Science and Biology at the University of Oregon. Sabrina joined the faculty at Whitman College in 2024 as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Microbiology.
Ph.D. Biology
University of Oregon
B.S. Biology (with honors)
Pacific Union College