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Learning Goals


Major-Specific Areas of Knowledge

Graduating Classics majors will be able to use original language materials in both Latin and Greek in their development of arguments and analyses.

Though a student may have greater familiarity with either the Greek or the Roman culture, all graduating Classics majors will be able to use materials from the other of the two cultures in developing an argument about the classical world.


Graduating Classics majors will be able to develop a sustained written argument.

Graduating Classics majors will be able to compose mechanically acceptable English prose and to use a formal academic writing style.

Critical Thinking

Graduating Classics majors will be able to draw upon a breadth of knowledge of the classical world in formulating responses to individual texts.

Classical Studies

Major-Specific Areas of Knowledge

Graduating Classical Studies majors will be able to use original language materials from one of the ancient languages in their development of arguments and analyses.

Graduating Classical Studies majors will be able to place their arguments and analyses of specific questions into the broad historical context of both ancient cultures.


Graduating Classics Studies majors will be able to compose mechanically acceptable English prose and to use a formal academic writing style.

Critical Thinking

Graduating Classical Studies majors will be able to draw upon a breadth of knowledge of the classical world in formulating responses to individual texts.

Graduating Classical Studies majors will be able to address the relations between Greek culture and Roman culture.

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