Computer Science Lab Information
The Computer Science Computer Labs
The Computer Science Computer Labs, located in Olin 124 and Olin 228, contain 46 networked computers running the Linux operating system Ubuntu. The computers are connected to a server so that users may log into any workstation and have access to all of their files. Remote access capabilities are also available to every student should they need to access the lab off-site.
Software includes the usual Ubuntu applications, Maple and Mathematica (computer algebra systems), Spyder (a Python integrated development environment), Brackets (a text editor), Android SDK (a systems development kit for android applications), Matlab (a numerical mathematics environment), R (for statistics), and LaTeX (a mathematics word processing package) with TeXmaker.
During the week, the lab is used for some computer science courses. In the evenings and weekends, we have student assistants available. Schedules are typically posted on the entrances of each lab.
Phone: 5884 (Olin 124) / 2019 (Olin 228)