Kisha Lewellyn Schlegel
Olin Hall 217
Kisha Lewellyn Schlegel is the author of Fear Icons, winner of the inaugural Gournay Prize for the essay. She has also published essays and fiction in Tin House, Conjunctions, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. The recipient of a Washington State Artist Trust Grant and the Richard J. Margolis Award for social justice reporting, she was most recently awarded a grant from the Barbara Deming Foundation. She holds an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana and an MFA from Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program. Read more about her writing life.
Professor Kisha is the proud recipient of Whitman’s Thomas D. Howells Award for Distinguished Teaching in Humanities and Arts. She regularly teaches Introduction to Creative Writing and Intermediate and Advanced Creative Nonfiction.She’s affiliate faculty of Environmental Humanities and serves as coordinator for Whitman’s Faculty Mentoring Program.
Students from some of Professor Kisha’s courses contribute to an ongoing anthology project called The Infinite Essay.
If you’d like to work with her on a thesis or senior project read: Working with Professor Kisha. Here’s how to Request a letter of recommendation.