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Jacqueline Woodfork

Jacqueline Woodfork

Associate Professor of History

Ph.D. History
The University of Texas at Austin

M.A. History
The University of Texas at Austin

B.A. History, French
Middlebury College

Jacqueline Woodfork is Associate Professor of History specializing in Modern Francophone Africa. She arrived at Whitman in 2006 and teaches general courses on all periods of African history as well as specialized courses in the Black Atlantic, women in Africa, and colonialism. She has published on the French colonial military in western Africa and the role of African soldiers in the French colonial army. Her article, "It is a Crime To Be a Tirailleur in the Army': The Impact of The Impact of Senegalese Civilian Status in the French Colonial Army During the Second World War," appeared in The Journal of Military History in 2012. She published her first book, Cultures and Customs of  the Central African Republic, in 2006, and is currently finishing a book manuscript on Senegalese soldiers during the Second World War.  

Professor Woodfork has received four Perry Research Grants to conduct research with undergraduates at Whitman College.

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