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3-2 Programs Index

Whitman offers paths to engineering and other careers with partner programs at top universities. With our dual-degree programs, you’ll spend three years at Whitman and two at a partner school on your way to multiple degrees and an exciting science career.

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Engineering (3-2 Combined Plan)

Spend your first three years at Whitman. Then transfer to one of our prestigious partner schools to complete the final two years of your Engineering degree. You’ll get a well-rounded liberal arts education alongside in-depth preparation for an engineering career.

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Squirrel on a tree

Forestry & Environmental Management

Want to work outdoors and have a positive impact on the environment? After three years at Whitman, you’ll be prepared to transfer to Duke University, where you can go on to complete a master’s degree in Forestry or Environmental Management.

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Turtle underwater.


Discover the wonders of the marine world. Over five years of combined study, you can earn your Bachelor of Arts in Biology or Geology from Whitman alongside a Bachelor of Science in Oceanography from the University of Washington.

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Take The Next Step

Our Admission team is excited to show prospective students all the opportunities that await them at Whitman—including top academics, career coaching and a caring community that truly wants them to thrive.

Not ready yet? Contact us to request more information.

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