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Daniel Schindler

Daniel Schindler

Associate Professor of Theater

Daniel Schindler is dedicated educator and designer with over 20 years of educating experience, Dan has taught in a variety of schools prior to arriving at Whitman in 2015 including Rocky Mountain College, Colorado State University, and California State University, Chico.  Dan merges liberal arts education with professional training in design.  He is a member of United Scenic Artists #829 and has designed professionally at the Toledo Repertory Theatre, the Arvada Center in Denver, Colorado, and the Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts. Dan has served as Chair of Design, Technology, and Management for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, Region 7; He was recognized for his years of leadership and service to KCACTF with the receipt of the highest award granted faculty in the region, the Gold Medallion.  At Whitman, Dan has been honored to receive the Suzanne L Martin Award for Excellence in Mentoring. 

Along with design, Dan is greatly interested in international theater forms and has traveled to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China, pursuing that passion.  Most recently, Dan become a Research Partner with the Montana State University Archives and is working on a project collecting and cataloging oral histories from the Virginia City Players. 

MFA, Indiana University, Bloomington
BA, Montana State University, Bozeman

Sample Portfolio of Professor Schindler's work at Whitman College

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