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Erika Greenup

Erika Greenup


Box Office and Department Manager

Erika Greenup is excited to return to her theater career after a decade primarily working elsewhere. Erika has a passion for storytelling and design, theater was a logical choice to pursue these interests. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater with a focus on set production, but added a museum studies minor to widen job prospects. A lifelong Washingtonian, Erika grew up north of Seattle, in Lynnwood WA, but fell in love during college with the sunshine and dry air on the east side of the state.

Erika has primarily worked in small non-profit history museums, as well as working as a Para-Educator in her local school districts. She has continued to design and produce theater work as a volunteer for several community theater projects, middle school theater programs, and church performances. In 2023 she designed and lead the build of sets, puppets, lights and costumes for Disney’s The Little Mermaid at Dayton’s Liberty Theater. She moved to Dayton with her husband and cats in 2021, but they hope to buy their next home in Walla Walla once their current home is renovated.

Erika is very happy to now be at Whitman College in the Department of Theater and Dance where she can support education, theater, community outreach and many other causes she believes in deeply.   


BA Theater Production

Minor Museum Studies 

Central Washington University 2013

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