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Darlene Wilson, Assistant Vice President for Finance and Controller

Darlene R. Wilson, CPA

Assistant Vice President for Finance and Controller
  • Head of the Office of Accounting and Business Services
  • Supervisor for the Associate Controller for Sources, the Associate Controller for Uses, and the Budget Manager
  • Plan and prepare for the Board of Trustees’ Audit Committee meetings
  • Ex-Officio: President’s Budget Advisory Committee
  • Retirement Plan Investment Committee member
  • Design and implement internal control processes and procedures
  • Financial reporting for internal and external users
  • Compliance with accounting standards and rules (US GAAP)
  • Tax reporting and tax planning
  • Legal and tax compliance with all pertinent governmental and oversight agencies
  • Financial planning, analysis, and purchasing strategies
  • Budget management and preparation
  • Asset and net asset management, including the tracking of donor restrictions
  • Audit management for the annual financial statements and 403(b) retirement plan
  • Chart of accounts management and general ledger maintenance
  • Debt management and bond issuance
  • Grant management and compliance (Federal Uniform Guidance)
  • Trust property management
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