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Kevin Klein

Kevin Klein

Admission Officer

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Education: B.A. in English | Whitman College

What I love about Whitman: I love how Whitman provides a multitude of vastly different opportunities for its community members. Through experiential learning and support, Whitman helps students, faculty, and staff to find connectedness in unique and powerful places.

Why I enjoy working in Admissions: Experiencing the passion of our diverse pool of applicants is a privilege. From start to finish, the admissions process can be exciting, gratifying, and downright inspiring. I’m proud to play a small role in helping to assemble an incoming class that can, in so many ways, enrich the Whitman community.

Favorite Activities in Walla Walla: Going on walks with my family - Hanging out downtown - Exploring local craft beers - Playing golf at Wine Valley.

My Favorite Place on Campus: Penrose Library!

Fun Fact(s) About Me: I used to play Elton John songs on the Anderson Hall piano (almost 20 years ago now...)! I have three sons who are my world: Clyde, Cass, and Otto. I love short fiction and making homemade pasta. 

California (Far Northern CA, Marin, San Francisco, East Bay, Santa Clara (excl San Jose), N. Central Valley)
North Dakota
South Dakota
Washington (Peninsula - Southwest)

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