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A Photo Collection of My Whitman Experience

Hello! I'm Gelic Gerona, a sophomore majoring in Psychology. I’m also an international student from the Philippines. I love taking pictures and videos, so I’d thought I’d share a glimpse into what my Whitman experience has looked like so far! You’ll get to see the different jobs I’ve had on campus, some events I’ve helped to plan and some photos of me and my friends hanging out in downtown Walla Walla. So here are 17 photos with an explanation below:

If you’ve reached this part, thank you! Check out more of my Whitman experience and see others’ on the Instagram page @OurWhitman.

Gelic Gerona ’27 (she/her) is a Psychology major from Surigao City, Philippines. She loves taking photos and videos of her experience to share on social media. She also saves them as her own personal keepsake to remember her time at Whitman.

Published on Dec 20, 2024
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