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Suitcase Checklist: Bringing Home With You to a Brand New World

By Ananya Mehrotra ’27

Packing up for a life-changing international adventure doesn’t have to be stressful. I was no stranger to packing. I lived away from home as a teenager during my two-year stint at a boarding school in India. However, moving to a new country—on the other side of the world—with no set return date, was an entirely new challenge. Fitting your entire life into two suitcases might sound overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to keep it chill:

  • Begin by prioritizing the essentials. Vital documents such as your passport, visa, and academic certificates should be at the top of your list. Clothing and toiletries are next. Do research on the weather of your new home to avoid including items you won’t actually need.
  • ProTip: Your traditional clothes deserve a spot in your suitcase, even if you’re not sure if your new home will celebrate your traditions or customs. These garments undoubtedly serve as a bridge to your cultural heritage. By providing a valuable connection to your roots, they also bring comfort and a sense of identity when navigating life in a foreign land. Notably, Whitman College boasts a diverse array of affinity groups and clubs, making it very likely that you’ll create your own community.
  • Next, let’s talk about comfort. Don’t forget those items that make you feel at home. Whether it’s your childhood plushie, cherished family photos, or letters from friends. These mementos are a source of comfort and come in handy when you’re feeling a little homesick.
  • Lastly, consider brushing up on your culinary skills. The ability to recreate your favorite home-cooked meals can be a game-changer. Or bring some of your favorite snacks. A familiar scent and taste can provide an instant connection to home and profound sense of comfort when you’re thousands of miles away.

So, as you board that lengthy flight with your two trusty suitcases, remember that packing is about more than just the things you bring. It’s about the memories, the tastes, and the comforts of home that you carry with you. Breathe, be adaptable, and get ready for an adventure like no other. It’s all about creating your own slice of home in your brand-new world.

Beyond packing, mentally prepare yourself. Moving to a new country is an incredible adventure, but it’s normal to feel uncomfortable, surprised, or even homesick. Embrace these emotions as part of your journey. Seek support from friends, both new and old, and immerse yourself in the local culture. This, too, is an essential part of making your new destination feel like home.

Ananya Mehrotra ’27 (she/her) is from Lucknow, India, and intends to double major in Economics and Computer Science. An avid traveler, Ananya has journeyed through nearly every state in India, driven by her passion for exploration. However, she still looks forward to venturing into the unexplored territories of the northeastern region.

Published on Jan 15, 2024
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