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Virtual Tours

A Place Like No Other

Animated GIF of a residence hall room

Your First College Home

No matter where you land, you’ll make lifelong friends and great memories in your first residence hall. We know it’s a big decision ... that’s why we’re especially excited to roll out a new way and place to explore Whitman’s first-year residence halls: Living at Whitman.

New! Check out our residence halls!

  • 360-degree room tours
  • Photo galleries
  • Amenities lists
Living At Whitman

Where the Living Is Good

Cleveland Commons: Where Good Food & Good Friends Meet 

Campus Life

Cleveland Commons
Reid Campus Center
Stanton Hall Virtual Tour
Jewett Hall
Lyman House
Prentiss Hall
Anderson Hall
Interest House Community

Academic and Administrative

Hall of Science
Penrose Library
Fouts Center for the Visual Arts
Maxey Hall
Hall of Music
Hunter Conservatory

Art and Outdoors

Aerial Tour
Art and Outdoors
Art and Sculpture
Lakum Duckum

Athletic Facilities

Sherwood Athletic Center
Baker Ferguson Fitness Center
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