Class of 1977 40th Reunion, Fall 2017

Class of 1977
40th Reunion - Fall 2017
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Row 1: William Stivelman, Tracy Petty Wilson, April Brookins Duvic, Bob Coleman, K. Waegelin Baxter, Larry Stone with Rover, Dan Fairfax, Linda Hayhurst Fairfax, Jim Karlovich
Row 2: Shelley Kurtz Jack, Kirsten Molbak Paterson, Suelene Wilson Phipps, Michael Benson, Scott Graham, Jennifer Olson Strother, Neil Strother, Susan Demaris Gifford, Sue Behlke Foley
Row 3: Andy Dappen ’76, Jan Stewart Dappen, Laurie Agnew, Karen Smith Guest, Priscilla Morton, Janet Schilling Mowery, Denise Burry Lundblade, Jim Lundblade
Row 4: Melisse Shipman Barrett, Carolyn Coats Martin, Adrianne Juenke Greene, Paulette Cowen Johnson, Ellen Harbold Ostheller, David Brown, Claire Tuohy-Morgan, Mark Olson, Paul Shearer
Row 5: Rowland Thompson, Kristine Montgomery Takekawa, Narda Pierce, Carol Reed, Camille Taylor Ralston, Ruth Morrow, Wendy Sanger McGuire
Row 6: Larry Konick, Bruce Williams, Rick Colwell, Bill Watts, Roxanne Shepherd, Karin Nielsen, Tom Boecking, Bob Cole
Row 7: Bob Casey, Art Stevens ’78, Larry Nelson, Ted Duncombe
Row 7: John Stanton, John Kerrigan, Greg Glenn, Richard Foley, Janis Knorr Glenn, John Stegner
Row 9: Chuck Kastner, Don Bailey
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -