Class of 1991 25th Reunion, Fall 2016

Class of 1991
25th Reunion - Fall 2016
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Row 1: Julie Bradley-Hart, Leigh Ann Lucero, Monica Armstrong, Lynn Ferrarini Pitts, Stacey Michler Campbell, Mary Lindsay Nickerson, Heather Carlson Westendorf, Cheryl Cherkas Black, Deborah Grubb Moskovitz, Kristine Sauer Geer, Jennifer Dilworth Northam, Jennifer Mazza Prince
Row 2: Christina Fortune Howery, Torun Harrah, Anne Scholes, Lori Mangels Kell, Sarah Hultquist Goodman, Ahn Lee Styris Horn, Kristine Knoll Page, Patty Thibert Cavers, Melanie Kimsey-Lin
Row 3: Sue Antone Adams, Kim Roberts Conn, Kristen Toffer, Katie Grew, Lissa Barnes Dholakia, Anne Decker, Karen Kane, Jim Paul, Scott Heisinger
Row 4: Nancy Malko, Lisa Mehlenbacher Burbage, Julie Brazil, Sara Battin Pearson, Lysa Lucke Rieger, Michelle Birdsall Ireton, Sandi Miller `90, Hilory McIntyre, Lisa Lorenzen Heisinger
Row 5: Amy Seeman Efroymson, Angela McGlynn Stoddard, Karen Aizawa Wilson, Patti McNair, Eric Miller, Ole David Bergset, Susan Robertson Cackler, Rob Hinnen
Row 6: Megin Flaherty Edwards, Shilpa Goradia Bratt, Tim McCracken, Tracy Dethlefs, Troy Husband, Amy Sue Buckley Leonhardt `87, Brad Cackler
Row 7: Seth Restaino, Mark Reed, Andrew Simmons, Eric Leonhardt
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -