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CE Volunteer Programs

Food Justice Project Program Leaders Introducing Speaker LaDonna Sanders Redmond

Food Justice Project Program Leaders, Margaret Kanyoko '25 and Sara Marshall '25 Introducing Speaker LaDonna Sanders Redmond

Community Engagement Volunteers Alanna Sherman '24 and Devon Player '23 Repainting a School Mural

Community Engagement Volunteers Alanna Sherman '24 and Devon Player '23 Repainting a School Mural

A student volunteer reads to a group of a dozen preschoolers in their pajamas for PJ day

StoryTime volunteer reading to students on pajama day

Food Justice Project Program Leaders Introducing Speaker LaDonna Sanders Redmond

Food Justice Project Program Leaders, Margaret Kanyoko '25 and Sara Marshall '25 Introducing Speaker LaDonna Sanders Redmond

Community Engagement Volunteers Alanna Sherman '24 and Devon Player '23 Repainting a School Mural

Community Engagement Volunteers Alanna Sherman '24 and Devon Player '23 Repainting a School Mural

About Our Programs

Our Community Engagement Programs allow Whitties to volunteer and connect to the Walla Walla Community on a regular basis. Each year a cohort of current students lead these programs with support from the Career and Community Engagement Center. If you're interested in these (paid) leadership positions, hiring happens every spring! Contact ccec_info@whitman.edu to learn more.

Community Engagement Student Leader Team

Community Engagement Programs

To promote friendships between Whitman Students and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


The Buddy Program connects students with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities in Walla Walla. Students meet with their community buddies twice a month for various activities, including dances, movie nights, crafts, bowling, and more. Outside of structured time, students will often get together with their buddies to get coffee, go to the park and Humane Society, and just hang out and have fun! Email buddyprogram@whitman.edu with any questions.

Time Commitment

Volunteers meet with their buddies once a month at Buddy Program events. Between planned events, students are expected to contact with their buddies once a week and as often as they would like. These contacts can include emails, phone calls, Facebook chats, letters, in-person outings, etc. It is best if student/buddy pairings last for at least a year. If a student goes abroad, his/her buddy will be assigned to someone new, but the student is encouraged to maintain contact.


Applications open at the beginning of each semester. After the application due date, new volunteers learn about the program and complete paperwork at an orientation. You can sign up using the Community Engagement Universal Volunteer application. You can also reach out to buddyprogram@whitman.edu to express interest in joining the program.  

Matching Process

Matching occurs based on scheduling and responses to a survey in the application.


If you cannot attend an event, contact your buddy and the Buddy Program Intern at buddyprogram@whitman.edu at least three days beforehand.

Working towards a more just and equitable food system in the Walla Walla Valley


The Food Justice Project aims to support the work of community partners who address issues of food access, food sovereignty, workers’ rights, agricultural practices, resource distribution, sustainability, and other aspects of our food system. Through these partnerships we are working towards the overarching goal of food justice in the Walla Walla Valley. 

Time Commitment

Between 1–3 hours per week (depending on your availability).  


We will be working primarily with the Blue Mountain Action Council (BMAC) Food Warehouse. Volunteers will have the option to support as many or as few of their programs as they are comfortable with. Box Building will happen two Fridays each month for about 3 hours in the afternoon. This activity will require volunteers to pack shelf-stable food into boxes to be delivered to local food pantries. Backpack Bridge will happen once a month where we will pack bags of meals for elementary school students who receive free or reduced lunch to ensure they have food over the weekends and school breaks. Another opportunity for volunteers is supporting BMAC’s food bank with larger, less frequent food distribution events for volunteers to engage in and we will keep Food Justice Project participants updated as these opportunities arise. 

Materials Needed

Closed toe shoes, a water bottle 


If you are unable to come to an event that you have signed up for, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can accurately communicate to BMAC how much support we will be able to provide for any given day. 


We will accept applications throughout the year! You can sign up using the Community Engagement Universal Volunteer application. You can also email Program Leaders at foodjustice@whitman.edu to express interest in joining the program. 

Developing self-confidence and teamwork in children through rock climbing and peer mentorship


Friends Rock is a mentorship program that fosters companionship between WWPS middle schoolers and elementary schoolers through rock climbing at Whitman. Curriculum focuses on increasing students’ self-esteem, teamwork abilities, and openness to new experiences. 

Time Commitment

Volunteers are needed for this program on Wednesdays from 2:45–5 p.m. While weekly attendance is highly encouraged, it is not mandatory. No prior rock climbing experience is necessary to volunteer for this program.


Please email friendsrock@whitman.edu and fill out the CCEC volunteer application to apply.

Materials Needed

Closed toe shoes, a water bottle 


If you are unable to come to an event that you have signed up for, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can accurately communicate to BMAC how much support we will be able to provide for any given day. 


We will accept applications throughout the year! You can sign up using the Community Engagement Universal Volunteer application. You can also email Program Leaders at foodjustice@whitman.edu to express interest in joining the program. 

Promoting early learning in Walla Walla by bringing story characters alive.


Reading with the youngest members of our community is essential. The StoryTime Project volunteers travel to elementary and pre-K classrooms. The project aims to improve kids’ listening, speaking, writing, reading, and critical thinking skills through exposure to reading while also promoting diversity, acceptance, and the celebration of differing cultures through stories. The program includes children ages 2–7. Bilingual volunteers, especially those fluent in Spanish, are welcome, as several reading destinations are bilingual or Spanish-speaking environments.

The StoryTime Project began in 2002 as a collaborative effort between the Walla Walla YMCA and the Whitman College Career and Community Engagement Center. It has since become a permanent program within the Career and Community Engagement Center and expanded to meet the needs of eleven local children's agencies. The project’s collection of books includes over two hundred titles. More than fifty of the books are written in Spanish. The books have been purchased and donated through the generous support of Vanessa Prull, Earthlight Books, the Whitman College Bookstore, and members of the college community.

Time Commitment

Volunteers read for half an hour to an hour in pairs or individually.


Applications are open at the beginning of each semester. Applicants are welcome to request their reading partners. For more information, email storytime@whitman.edu.

Promoting restoration of local ecosystems in the Walla Walla Valley


Getting Whitman students involved with the restoration, education, and recreation of local ecosystems.


The Walla Walla Stream Team is partnered with the Tri-State Steelheaders organization. This volunteer program is centered around environmental sustainability and stream habitat restoration. This semester, we are focusing on wetland mitigation and riparian habitat restoration.

Time Commitment

Events are approximately four hours and occur every other week.


Volunteers will be doing outdoor work including weeding, planting, digging, watering, etc. We will focus on stream restoration and working on making habitat more healthy in wetland and stream ecosystems.


We will accept applications throughout the year! You can sign up using the Community Engagement Universal Volunteer application. You can also email the Program Leaders at streamteam@whitman.edu to express your interest in joining the program.


If you are unable to come to an event that you have signed up for, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can adjust our plans accordingly and communicate to Tri-State Steelheaders about how much support we will be able to provide for any given day.

For further information, contact the program leader at streamteam@whitman.edu.

Planting the seeds of confidence in young students through sustained relationships with Whitman friends.


Started in 1994 as part of Jamey Wolverton’s psychology thesis, the Whitman Friends Program builds strong and lasting friendships between Whitman students and Walla Walla elementary schoolers.

Whitman students join their friend at recess once a week. Friends also visit Whitman College each spring for a day long carnival called Friends to Campus Day.


The Whitman Friends Program accepts online applications in early September for new mentors. Depending on the number of applicants and the number of friends studying abroad, it is also possible to join the program in January. You can sign up using the Community Engagement Universal Volunteer application and by reaching out to the Program Leaders at friends@whitman.edu.


If you cannot make it on your designated day, contact your Intervention Specialist and CC friends@whitman.edu so that the Intervention Specialist can let your friend know and your absence can be excused. Unnotified friends often linger around the office for all of lunch and recess wondering why their friend didn't come visit. If you are in a carpool, let those people know as well. Finally, try to reschedule for another day that week or go twice the following week. Regular time together is vital for building a strong friendship.

Additional Visits

If you would like to visit your friend more than once a week, contact the designated Intervention Specialist for your school.

Study Abroad

Students who plan to go abroad can participate for a semester provided they find a replacement to fill in while they're away from campus.

Friend Absences

When a friend is sick, the Intervention Specialist notify us and interns try to inform the Whitman friend. If you arrive and realize that your friend is absent, spend time with the children from your friend’s classroom.

To promote the academic development of High School students through supportive and encouraging tutoring.


Opportunity Program Tutoring (“OPT In!”) is a volunteer program that invites Whitman students to serve as a tutor for local high school students enrolled in the Opportunity Program through Walla Walla Public Schools. Volunteers will visit Opportunity once a week to tutor students in topics such as math, English, and science. No special training on the subjects is needed — volunteers don't have to be experts on the subject matter, they just need a willingness to support students’ learning! This is a great experience for people looking to explore teaching as a career or looking to get involved in education! As a bonus, the Opportunity Program is conveniently located at the edge of campus; a quarter mile from Reid Campus Center.

Time Commitment

Volunteers tutor for 1 to 1.5 hours per week depending on their availability. The following time blocks for volunteers are available Monday - Friday:

Block 1: 8:15 - 9:45 am

Block 2: 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Block 3: 1:45 - 3:15 pm

Sign-Up Form

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the short Universal CE Volunteer Sign-Up Form! You can also email the Program Leader at stuleadk-12@whitman.edu to express interest in joining the program.


If you cannot make it on your designated day, please contact the OPT Leader (stuleadk-12@whitman.edu) and the Opportunity teachers, Jackie (jhellie@wwps.org) and Donnetta (delsasser@wwps.org), to inform them of your absence. Please remember that we ask you to honor your commitment. The students and teachers are counting on you to show up.

Working towards creating accessible sidewalk networks in the Walla Walla Valley


Project Sidewalk is a project of the Blue Mountain Mobility Action Group, and Whitman students began to get involved in this project in Fall of 2024. The volunteer project is asynchronous and can be done at any time. This virtual volunteer experience provides opportunities for Whitman students to have a tangible impact in our local community and engage in community-based learning; while being flexible enough to work around their personal schedules.


Due to its virtual nature, Project Sidewalk accepts volunteers on a rolling basis throughout the school year. However, it should be noted that a majority of training will occur throughout early Fall. To get involved, please contact cedei@whitman.edu and fill out the universal volunteer application.

Time Commitment

Volunteers are expected to regularly engage with the Project Sidewalk platform whenever they can fit it into their schedules. Volunteers will submit service hour logs in order to keep track of their engagement. Additionally, volunteers are expected to read bi-monthly emails that will include project updates and to attend monthly one-hour group meetings with the Community Engagement Leader for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Recruitment, which are scheduled around the volunteers’ availability.

These may occur virtually or in-person depending on volunteer availability. Study Abroad Students who are studying abroad are welcome to continue participating in the project due to its online nature. If this is the case, please contact cedei@whitman.edu so that we can work together to make sure you can continue successfully engaging with the project.


If volunteers are unable to attend the monthly meetings, they should contact cedei@whitman.edu as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements.


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