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Marshall Scholarship


Application period: June 3, 2024 to September 24, 2024
Internal deadline: August 11, 2024
National deadline: September 24, 2024 (5:00 p.m. PT)
NOTE: Internal nomination process

Eligibility requirements: 

  • U.S. citizen, or dual citizen who has resided in the U.S. for a period of time in addition to the period when they were studying for their undergraduate degree
  • Undergraduate degree from accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. by September 2025 and graduated from their first undergraduate college after April 2022
  • Minimum GPA of 3.7
  • No prior study for or degree or degree-equivalent qualification from British universities/institutions 

Award summary and conditions: The Marshall Scholarship finances American students of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Up to 50 scholars are selected each year to study at the graduate level at a UK institution in any field. The scholarship pays for university fees, living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the U.S. and, where applicable, partial support of a dependent spouse.

Candidates are selected who have the potential to excel as scholars, leaders and as contributors to improved UK-U.S. understanding. Assessment will be based on academic merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial potential. https://www.marshallscholarship.org/apply/criteria-and-who-is-eligible

One-Year Marshall Scholarship: The one-year scholarship is aimed at applicants who wish to study in the UK and have convincing reasons to pursue a one-year scholarship rather than the traditional two-year Marshall Scholarship. To be eligible for the one-year scholarship applicants must have a clear post-scholarship plan. This should demonstrate what the applicant plans to do immediately after the Marshall Scholarship and why one year spent in the UK would enhance these plans. It is a condition of the award that Marshall Scholars must proceed to a degree that can be completed within the 12 months.  Nine- or ten-month graduate study programs are not eligible for this scholarship.

Two-Year Marshall Scholarship: The traditional Marshall Scholarship is tenable for two academic years but may be extended by the Commission, though not beyond the end of a third academic year. Third-year extensions are granted by the Commission on a limited basis, for strong academic reasons, subject to the availability of funds.

Candidates may apply for a one-year or a two-year scholarship but not both.

Application process: online (except for hard-copy official transcripts, which are mailed)

Application requirements: Applications are made in one of eight regions in the United States. Candidates may apply in the region of their home address or in the region of current residence/employment/study. 

  • Online application
  • Letters of recommendation (3): Applicants should identify recommenders in the following order: the preferred recommender, a general recommender (who should have taught or supervised the applicant), and a leadership recommender; two of these recommenders must be located in the U.S.
  • Institutional letter of endorsement
  • Short answer on post-scholarship plans (150 words): Candidates should describe their immediate plans upon completion of their Marshall Scholarship and how two years spent undertaking a degree in the UK will enhance these plans. Candidates should describe plans for employment or further study and indicate how they will develop ongoing connections with the UK.  Candidates should also indicate a career objective.
  • Personal statement (750 words)
  • Academic Proposal: Candidates should describe their proposed academic program, giving reasons for their choice of course and preferred university. Those hoping to read for a research degree should give an outline proposal of the research they wish to undertake and with whom they want to work. Candidates should also explain their second-choice course of study and institution.
  • Leadership Statement: Candidates should describe a situation in which they were working with a group of people and recognized and responded to a need for leadership.  The objective is to the help the committee understand the candidate's leadership conviction and drive, style and potential, rather than provide a list of achievements.  Refer to the Commission's criteria on leadership potential: https://www.marshallscholarship.org/apply/criteria-and-who-is-eligible/criteria-leadership-potential
  • Official transcripts (uploaded; PDF must include both grades and explanation pages)*

*If invited to interview, candidates must mail a physical copy of the official transcript to their Regional Center.

More information: http://www.marshallscholarship.org/applications/faqs

Faculty representative: Dr. Jess Hernandez

Internal nomination required: Yes

National committee interview: Yes

Contact: http://www.marshallscholarship.org/about/contactus

Fellowships and Grants
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