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Facilities Services

Campus Aerial

Welcome to Facilities Services, the division that provides college-wide support of equitable student success!

As stewards of Whitman’s built and natural environment our services range from planning, design, construction projects and agency interaction to lifecycle projects, maintenance, custodial, conference, events, scheduling, surplus, grounds and landscaping, emergency management, rental properties maintenance, sustainability, recycling, environmental management, occupational safety and utility/energy efficiency.

Our dedicated teamwork is based on technical expertise, and continuous improvement consistent with Whitman’s Strategic Priorities. This is successfully accomplished with Facilities Services’ commitment towards creating and maintaining learning excellence and a working environment that is equitable and inclusive.

We support 1,500 students and service the main Whitman College Campus and the Stuart and Joyce Johnston Wilderness Campus, plus Borleske Stadium and two observatory locations. Our service area includes more than 1.3 million gross square feet, comprising 117 acres of grounds, 64 institutional facilities and 65 rental (student, faculty/staff, business) properties.

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