Travel Reimbursement for B-2 and WT Visa Holders
B-2 is a tourist visa and WT is a waiver visa for tourist purposes. A department may reimburse travel expenses to a B-2 or WT visa holder if the following criteria are met:
- The duration of the activity is nine (9) days or less, and
- The visitor has not been paid or reimbursed by more than five other U.S. institutions or organizations during the past six months.
The visitor must obtain either a B-1 or WB if the department wishes to cover travel expenses for a visit of more than 9 days. Departments can reimburse a B-1 or WB visa type for up to three months.
An original copy of the Compliance Statement signed by the visitor and the Department Head/Account Manager must be attached to any travel reimbursement made to a B-2 or WT visa holder. This form certifies that the visitor's stay meets the criteria outlined above. A copy of the visitor's I-94 departure card should be attached to any travel reimbursement.
Honoraria payments can be made to B-2 or WT visa holders if the activity does not exceed 9 days.