Kiefer Storrer
Kiefer Storrer earned his Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Kansas Wesleyan University. He received his Master of Arts in Mass Communication at the University of Central Missouri, where he began assistant coaching debate and forensics (after 4 years of competition in high school and 4 years in undergrad). In 2016, he joined the coaching staff at Glendale Community College as an assistant, before taking over as head coach the next year. In 2020 he returned to his Alma Mater as an assistant coach, before becoming Director of Debate & Forensics the following year. In 2022 he joined Whitman College as the Assistant Director of Debate & Forensics, where he now happily and blessedly continues to coach.
After a successful competitive career in Parliamentary Debate, Limited Preparation events, and Platform Speaking, Kiefer has expanded beyond coaching only those events to include IPDA, interpretation, and really any event a student has a passion for. In 2024/2025 he will be entering his 9th year of professional coaching.