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Family Weekend

Whitman college sign with fall leaves

Visit Your Whittie!

Whitman College’s Family Weekend: October 25–27, 2024

None of the Family Weekend events are required. The main objective is for families to spend time with their student. Families are encouraged to arrive when you can, and stay as long as you want.  Some schedule highlights for this year include:

Friday: Some offices will have open houses for families to visit, especially if their students are still in class. We'll kick off the fun with a student band and a plethora of evening events.

Saturday: We will have much more programming available including an official welcome, a reception, ever-popular annual pumpkin carving event and some home athletics events. Go Blues!

Sunday: We will have much less on the calendar, but it's the perfect opportunity to have a parting meal with your student and their friends before traveling home.

Family Weekend Schedule of Events

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