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Sarah Bolton speaking on campus

Office of the President

President Sarah Bolton
Welcome to Whitman College

Our President

Dr. Sarah Bolton, a distinguished physicist, professor, and administrator in higher education, became the 15th President of Whitman College in July 2022. Before taking office at Whitman, she served as the President of The College of Wooster. Dr. Bolton is a champion for the liberal arts and passionate about creating an inclusive campus where every student can learn, grow, and make a positive impact. Since joining Whitman, she has energized the community and relaunched the strategic planning process to advance important priorities and strengthen the college.

Meet Sarah
Leading the Way

Shaping a World-Class Education and Supportive Community

The Office of the President at Whitman College provides leadership and vision to guide the institution’s academic and strategic priorities. We work closely with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members to ensure a world-class education and a supportive community that empowers students to reach their potential.

Office of the President
Open Office Hours

Come Talk With President Sarah Bolton

President Bolton has open office hours during the semester for students to drop by and share their thoughts about what’s happening on campus or just to chat. The Spring 2025 semester includes the following:

  • Wednesday, Jan. 22, noon–1 p.m.
    in Cleveland Commons (with special guest Joe Davis, Chair of the Board of Trustees)
  • Friday, Feb. 14, noon–1 p.m.
    in Reid Campus Center 
  • Thursday, March 13, 4–5 p.m.
    in Reid Campus Center
  • Tuesday, April 1, noon–1 p.m.
    in Cleveland Commons
  • Monday, April 21, noon–1 p.m.
    in Cleveland Commons
  • Wednesday, May 14, noon–1 p.m.
    in Cleveland Commons

For assistance, please contact Joanie Lucarelli.
Email: lucarej@whitman.edu  Office: 509-527-5132 

Office of the President

Memorial Building 304
345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362

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