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Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak

Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak

Provost and Dean of the Faculty

Responsibilities specific to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty include but are not limited to the following:

  • Oversee overall development of academic program and prepare annual revisions to College strategic plan
  • Prepare and submit reports to Board of Trustees about academic program and faculty
  • Chair, Committee of Division Chairs; Member, President’s Cabinet; Member of Faculty Personnel Committee (ex officio)
  • Supervise Registrar; Associate Deans of the Faculty; directors of Penrose Library, Off-Campus Studies Program, Institutional Research, Career and Community Engagement Center and Athletics; department chairs and directors of interdisciplinary programs
  • Formulate annual Provost and Dean of the Faculty budget request; supervise administration of academic and academic program support budgets
  • Oversee all tenure track searches
  • Evaluate all tenure track faculty annually; conduct periodic review of all tenured faculty
  • Determine salaries of all instructional staff and non-instructional staff in offices that report to Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty
  • Administer sabbatical leave, family leave, leave of absence programs, Salary Continuation Plan, and faculty retirement programs
  • Work with Director of Grants and Foundation Relations in development and oversight of external grants designed to support academic program
  • Work with Office of Development and Alumni Relations in securing endowments to support faculty positions and academic program
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