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Clara Collins ’20: Following a Poet’s Path

Clara Collins

Drawn to Whitman College for its strong liberal arts education and close-knit community, Clara Collins ’20 transferred to Whitman in her sophomore year to pursue her passion for literature and creative writing. She immersed herself in campus life, engaging in various artistic and volunteer programs that fueled her growth as a writer and human—and allowed her to refine her craft and connect with a network of creative peers. Her experiences at Whitman, including studying abroad in Florence, Italy, where she explored art and film history, laid the foundation for her pursuit of a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry. Today, she channels her passion for literature into a career as a poet and teacher.

The English and Creative Writing departments at Whitman were really instrumental in pursuing a career in the arts. The classes I took empowered me as a reader and gave me a tool kit for understanding literature and theory that continues to be useful and important to my thinking now.

Clara’s Pathway

2017 | Admitted to Whitman

as a transfer student with a keen interest in literature and community engagement

2017 | Pledged Delta Gamma,

where she went on to serve as Vice President of Panhellenic and on the Honor Board

2017–2020 | Volunteered with community programs,

including Adopt-a-Grandparent and Whitman Friends

2017–2020 | Became involved with stART,

an arts-focused initiative

2018–2019 | Studied abroad in Florence, Italy,

focusing on art history and film history

2019–2020 | Worked on staff and wrote for blue moon,

Whitman’s literary magazine

2019–2022 | Completed editorial internships

at News Bling and Lucky Jefferson Literary Journal

May 2020 | Graduated from Whitman College

with a Bachelor of Arts in English, completing a creative thesis under the guidance of Katrina Roberts VanKouwenhoven, the Mina Schwabacher Professor of English, Creative Writing and Humanities

2021–2023 | Earned a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry

from the University of Oregon

2023 | Chosen as a finalist

in the Tennessee Williams and New Orleans Literary Festival Poetry Contest

2024 | Hired as a Teaching Assistant

at Cascade Montessori Middle School

2024–2025 | Published poetry

in Qu and Radar Poetry literary magazines

As part of my senior year, I wrote a creative thesis under the guidance of Professor Roberts, which taught me multitudes about crafting a body of work and which I used as my writing sample in my graduate applications. That experience solidified my confidence as a writer and thinker.

Upward Pathways. Our alumni’s diverse student experiences and career paths showcase the transformative power of a Whitman education. Find other Upward Pathways.

Published on Mar 12, 2025
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